April 25, 2024
Upcoming School Events
April Update Video
There’s been lots of hands-on learning this month! Check out some of the things we’ve been up to.
Chapel tomorrow @ 10:30am
We will have a special musical chapel performance by guests from Puget Sound Academy.
Chapel will be held at 10:30am rather than our regular time.
TVA Bells performance
Intermediate/Advanced bell choirs will be performing at the Beaverton Spanish SDA church (in TVA’s gym) this Sabbath. The service begins at 11:00AM. Come join us!
Sports Picnic
Medical Release Form
There was glitch in the 2023-2024 enrollment form that did not allow parents to sign the Medical Release Form. Please click on the link to fill it out.
This is what it states:
"TVA reserves the right to have your child transported by ambulance or school official to the nearest hospital or medical facility to obtain medical treatment authorized by the Board of Health in case of an accident or serious illness. In case of accident or serious illness, if the school is unable to contact me or the other authorized person, I hereby authorize the school to take my child to the aforementioned physician or a hospital authorized by the Board of Health. I hereby give permission for my child to receive emergency medical care. Information on this document may be made available to school and Health Department Officials."
TVA VBS needs volunteers
TVA is hosting a Veggie Tales themed VBS this summer! Please use the links bellow to find more information and to sign up to volunteer.
April 16-26 - MAP Testing
April 27 - Intermediate and Advanced Bells Perform at Beaverton Spanish SDA Church
April 28 - Advanced Bells Recording Session
May 2 - Home & School Meeting (zoom)
May 4 - Intermediate and Advanced Bells Perform at Forest Grove SDA Church
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week May 6-10
In Case You Missed It: registration for spring sports now open
In Case you missed it: vbs items needed
Please bring donations of the following items for our summer VBS program:
toilet paper rolls
paper towel rolls