Connecting Families, School, and Churches

Partner With Us!

President: Dominique Ames Email:
Vice President:
Secretary: Chelyne Devi

Meeting Minutes

January 2025 September 2024

February 2025 October 2024

March 2025 November 2024
April 2024 December 2024
May 2024
June 2024

About Us

The Home and School Association, or HSA, is our parent volunteer-based organization. Our mission is to provide TVA with funds, programs, resources, and support that will enhance our children’s experience. We encourage communication and cooperation between parents and staff to ensure that children receive the best possible comprehensive education.

Home and School helps foster the connection of our students, parents, teachers, and churches. HSA encourages the connection with families and school to build and nurture a positive environment which enriches the student’s learning. To accomplish this, HSA holds monthly meetings to help connect families to school events and give our parents a voice in how to enrich the lives of their children.

Home and School Meetings

Meetings are usually the first Thursday of each month from 7-8 PM on Zoom. Please watch your email for the meeting invite. Look at the school calendar for upcoming meeting dates!

Remember, attending Home and School meetings counts double towards service hours!

Home and School Activities

HSA plans fundraising, teacher appreciation, and other support activities throughout the school year. Check our calendar and announcements pages for upcoming events!

The main fundraiser for HSA is the annual Fun Run and color battle, typically scheduled in the spring each year. This event motivates the students to be active and helps provide additional funds for the school to aid with various projects. Previous projects include playground structure, Chromebook computers, elementary entrance safety improvements, and the addition of new and exciting programs like library STEM maker space, theater, and athletics equipment.

Service Hours

TVA asks each family to actively participate in school life by contributing 20 service hours per family each year (10 for single-parent and preschool families). These volunteer hours help make sure the school has the resources we need to host important school and community events, support our teachers throughout the year, and maximize any funds we raise.

Service hours and service events are reported using the Google Form, above. Parents are responsible for accurately tracking their service events or hours.

Home and School Association coordinates and tracks each family’s required service hours, and will provide quarterly status reports to parents. If parents are unable to contribute volunteer hours, there is an option to pay $10 per required service hour instead. Contact Lisa Brown or Mildred Villalobos to contribute in lieu of service hours.

HSA is active throughout the school year helping coordinate volunteers for various projects and/or events. Some of these are listed below:

Ways to Engage

There are several ways to help support our school all year long. 

Pray - Please join us in praying that we will seek Jesus as the only source of our strength, creativity and love, that our 8 constituent churches and school can be united as one team and for ways to engage more people in Home and School. 
Attend Events - Come to our sponsored events! We love to learn new names, hear your story, and get to you know you better!
Volunteer - Earn service hours while supporting Home and School events.
Check With Your Employer - Many employers offer ways to help support your child's school. Check with your employer about school gift matching or payment for service hours.
Shop - Several stores that you may shop at already will donate a percentage of your purchase to the school of your choice. Fred Meyer and Target have ways to donate, for example.
Ideas - Has God put an idea on your heart for TVA? Perhaps it is in the form of a question - "Why don't they do...?" We'd love to hear it! The formulation of one great idea comes from working through many individual ones. Let's talk!