Kristina Somers, Preschool
Phone: 503-649-5518
Amruta Kshirsagar,
Phone: 503-649-5518
Tiana Bowers, Preschool
Phone: 503-649-5518
Joe Del Mundo, Preschool
Phone: 503-649-5518
Preschool Philosophy
Tualatin Valley Academy Preschool is committed to offering a quality, Christian-based, developmentally appropriate program for kids ages 3-5. We offer a variety of learning experiences to meet the needs of each student. It is our goal to help each child develop to their fullest potential spiritually, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
Through free play children learn to share, cooperate, listen, follow directions and explore.
Through group learning language development, listening skills, patience and creativity are stimulated and learned.
Through individual learning, self-expression, self-control, task completion and time management are practiced.
Indoor and outdoor play help large and small muscle development and coordination.
Curriculum and Events
TVA Preschool uses a combination of teacher-created materials and other supplemental curriculum materials. Our curriculum is integrated and covers all core subject areas including Bible and supports social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual growth through theme-based instruction and curriculum.
Students ages 4-5 who will be eligible for Kindergarten the following school year will focus on the prerequisites of Kindergarten as well as beginning reading, writing and math skills.
Students ages 3-4 will focus on becoming familiar with the school environment, building social skills and will be introduced to essential academic basics such as letter and number recognition, letter sounds, handwritings skills, counting, etc.
All students will participate in theme study, class discussions, projects, etc. and will follow the same daily schedule.
Classes are available Monday through Friday, full and part time.