March 7, 2025
Quick announcements
Quick announcements 〰️
Parents’ night out canceled
Open House next Wednesday 6:00-7:30
3rd Quarter ends on Friday the 14th
SPRING BREAK March 17-28
Open House
Work Bee
Home & School Service Hours Reminder
TVA asks each family to actively participate in school life by contributing 20 service hours per family each year (10 for single-parent and preschool families). These volunteer hours help make sure the school has the resources we need to host important school and community events, support our teachers throughout the year, and maximize any funds we raise.
Home and School Association coordinates and tracks each family’s required service hours, and will provide quarterly status reports to parents. If parents are unable to contribute volunteer hours, there is an option to pay $10 per required service hour instead.
Fun Run & Color Games
Somers Sunshines Childcare
Are you looking for a fun and safe place for your child to enjoy their time off from school?
I am excited to offer childcare services for children ages 3 and up.
Please call Ms. Somers at 503-329-6676 for details.
In Case You Missed It
In Case You Missed It 〰️
HELP needed
Volunteer and paid positions available.
Inclement Weather
Procedures for Inclement Weather
We attempt to make the best decision possible during inclement weather. We primarily follow the Hillsboro School District for most late starts and school closures, but we also take into account that we have families and staff that live in various parts of the west Portland metro area (Hillsboro, Beaverton, Portland, Cornelius, Forest Grove).
There will be times when there is not a late start or a school closure. We trust that you will make the best judgment for you and your family's safety based on the conditions of the roads around you.
We will notify you about late starts or school closures by:
1. Sending a notification/email through the Enhanced Parent Communication through Teacher Ease. You will receive a text message if you have set this up on your Teacher Ease account. If you have not yet done this, please follow the instructions on this video. This will be the quickest way to receive messages since we are no longer subscribing to Flash Alert. Video:
3. Posting on our school website.
4. Posting a message on our school's social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
5. Teachers will send you message on Remind. Please make sure you have subscribed to their group.
Late Starts
In case of a late start, school will start at 10:15 AM. Doors will open at 10:00AM. BASE will open at 8:00AM. Hot lunch will be available. We will send a notification between 5:30AM and 6:00AM. If we are looking at a late start on a Friday, we will have a closure instead since we have an early release/dismissal on Fridays.
Always feel free to make the best call for you and your family. There is no need to rush to get to school. Driving slowly and safely takes precedence.
School Closures
We do not always know the night before if there will be a school closure the next day. When we can, we will strive to make the decisions the night before, however, this is not always possible.