October 3, 2024
Home & school meeting tonight
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Zoom link available in Thursday Note email
Parents’ Night Out October 12
Looking for an evening off? High School students would love to help you with that! We are planning an evening of crafts, games, and fun, and better yet, we plan to do this monthly! For full details, click here. Be sure to register your student(s) below!
Lost Bowl
If you accidentally went home with someone else’s bowl after the Back-to-School Orientation picnic, they would love to have it back! The lost bowl was white ceramic and had watermelon in it.
join pathfinders
The Tualatin Valley Pathfinder Club enrollment is open until October 16. The club is open to students in grades 5 through high school. Check out more information about the pathfinder club here.
MAP Testing
Update: MAP testing is staring today and will continue through next week.
We will start our MAP Growth (Measures of Academic Progress) testing next week. Your teacher will let you know when your child’s class will start testing. We will be administering the MAP test three times a year in the fall, winter, and spring. Click here to learn more about this MAP Growth assessment. Your teacher will share additional information regarding your child’s results during the Parent-Teacher Conferences. There is also a video that shares information about the MAP Growth assessment.
TVA Gear Sale
We have TVA gear available at the front office. Some of the shirts and sweatshirts are from a few years ago, so we have limited sizes available for new. We hope to have some new gear available in the future.
in case you missed it:
Announcements from last week!
Family Photo Mini Sessions October 20
Just 2 spots left!
Have you gotten your Christmas card photo done yet? Or are you looking for a great deal on family photos?
Support TVA Bells by signing up for our annual photo mini sessions! You can find all the information here.
In previous years we’ve taken photos in the studio, but this year we thought we’d head outdoors. If the studio is your preferred location, let us know and we can consider adding a studio session in November. Thanks for supporting music education!
Home and School Workbee and picnic
Bring a picnic for your family and spend time with friends.
Jamba juice fundraiser
Hi Families,
The Athletic Department is selling Jamba Juice cards as a fund raiser for the school’s athletic fund. The Jamba Juice cards are $10 each and they can be purchased at the front office or from Mrs. Irvine.
If you have any questions, please direct them to Sarah Irvine - Elementary/Middle School Athletic Director.
Thank you,
The TVA Athletic Department
Substitutes needed
TVA T-shirt Tuesdays
During the 2024-2025 school year, we are working toward a unified school spirit. To do this, every Tuesday, we are requesting that students wear a TVA shirt or a T-shirt with TVA colors (navy blue, light blue, or white).
The classes that participate the most will win a prize each quarter. This effort will help us continue to build community as we move toward furthering our conversations regarding uniforms. A new parent survey has been sent to gauge interest in this topic and will include a preview of uniform options to be voted on. Please find the survey code at the bottom of this newsletter.
If your child is sick…
Please visit our Health & Safety page on our website for our health protocols. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick. Help us keep our students and staff safe from illnesses by keeping your child home when sick. Thank you!