January 12, 2023

Upcoming School Events


Weekly Chapel Recap Video 1/3-1/6


Next Monday, January 16th is Martin Luther King, Jr. day. There will be NO SCHOOL.


Next week Friday, January 20 is the end of the 2nd Quarter. Teachers will be preparing for grades and therefore there will be NO SCHOOL.

Quarter 3 begins on January 23rd.


MAP Testing begins on January 23rd. Your child’s teacher will be sending more information.

Service Hours update

Hi everyone! Home and School is checking in about service hours! If you have logged service hours even once this year, THANK YOU! You are making a difference! You should have received an email earlier this week with the total number of hours you have completed. If you did not receive an email about this, and believe you have logged service hours, please reach out to us at hands@tvja.org. If you have completed service hours in any capacity with TVA but have not logged your hours, please do so here. There are numerous opportunities for families to complete service hours, with options that take place onsite, after hours, outdoors, etc., so, whatever constraints you have, there should be something that works. This partnership between our families and our school is critically important. To that end, families are generally expected to complete 20 hours per year (10 hours for preschool families). If you are not able to complete service hours during the school year, you will be charged $10 per unfulfilled hour on your final bill. Please take a look at the home and school website, and check in with us at the email address above if you need help finding the right fit!


It’s almost that time again, re-enrollment. We are aiming to open re-enrollment at the end of this month. More information to come in the next few weeks.

In Case You Missed It: PArent Volunteer Needed!

We are looking for a parent volunteer to help us with scheduling service opportunities for our Junior High and High School students at the Oregon Food Bank location in Beaverton. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to serve others in our community, we just need help with getting scheduled. If you can help, please contact the front office by calling 503.649.5518 or emailing tvja@tvja.org.

In Case You Missed It: JOIN US!

The Hillsboro SDA Church invites all of you for a fun night of games, snacks, and fellowship! We hope to see you there!


Please make sure to call the office or email to report any absences. If student will be absent for more than 2 days due to a vacation or any other circumstance, please make sure to fill out the Student Extended Absences form.

Rachel Blackburn