Karinna Rojas, Grades 7-8

Mrs. Rojas is joining us as our new 7th and 8th grade teacher this year! While new to teaching, Mrs. Rojas is no stranger to education. She has worked as a student coordinator at an inner city school in New York, worked as a consultant analyst for the Department of Education, and worked in a residential school for children with trauma and emotional disabilities. She loves to work with kids because of their honesty.

When asked what she is most looking forward to this year with her class, she responded

I’m excited to try new and innovative things to keep my students learning and engaged!

Her positivity, energy, and love for God are the first things you will notice about her, and we are excited she has joined our TVA family. Welcome Mrs. Rojas!

Fun Facts About Mrs. Rojas:

Biggest fear: Insects. Any and all insects.

Snack of choice: Mango and coconut, especially dry

Qualities I most admire about others: Honesty

What inspires me: My children

Least favorite household chore: Definitely washing dishes!

When I was a kid, I wanted to be: A veterinarian

In my free time, I like to: Read

Favorite place I’ve travelled: Puerto Rico

Sport I love: Sleeping

This store has a lot of my money: Even split between Starbucks and Target!

If calories didn’t count I would eat/drink: Every sugary food and all the carbs, especially bread

Favorite color: Pink

Rachel Blackburn