Home and School needs you!

We are looking for a Staff Appreciation Coordinator. If you would like to help, please email Laura Eng at hands@tvja.org.

What Does Being a Staff Appreciation Coordinator Require?

There are two main Appreciation events Home & School hosts during the School Year.  In November, we want to especially show our appreciation during the first time of the year devoted to Parent/Teacher Conferences.

The second Appreciation event is in the Winter and is the week-long Staff Appreciation Week!  This is a fun event that builds around a theme.  During the week, specific daily activities occur to focus the school on appreciation for the work Staff do (whether visible or not) to make TVA a great school.

Join our team to offer suggestions, ideas, do some crafting in support of the event and join in the excitement!

What is the time commitment?

The time commitment is flexible, based on your schedule.  However, there will be a setup event before the week and a tear-down event on the last Friday of the week that require a little more time.  There are plenty of activities you can volunteer for and just deliver per your schedule.