
Our school year is drawing to a close and our students are enjoying end of the year activities such as swimming, Field Day on Friday, June 3, and of course graduation.  Students will move up a grade, our eighth graders will graduate and go on to ninth grade and become high school students. We are proud of their growth and progress and wish all our students every success!

We learned this week that our music teacher, Ashlee Dollar Ferriera, will not be returning next year so that she can stay home with her new daughter, Sage.  We will miss her but we understand the desire to care for and be present with her daughter.  We have begun the process of looking for a new music teacher.

Our Walk-A-Thon brought in over $18,000! With some other donations we have achieved our match for an additional $19,000. We are now in the process of scheduling a contractor to do the repaving work on the parking lot! We hope to get it all done before school starts in the fall.  We are very thankful for all of the work and contributions that went into this effort led by our Home & School!

A second project we hope to complete this summer is the reroofing of our elementary building.  We are in the process of obtaining quotes for this work and getting it scheduled as well.

Change can be challenging but it can also be fun and rewarding.  We live in a world where growth and change are a daily part of our lives.  We rely on our friends and family when change is painful and we rejoice with them when change is the result of achieving our goals.  Let us celebrate with our students as they complete this year and move on to the next goal, the next grade in their education!

Tualatin Valley Academy exists because we want our students to achieve the final goal of living eternally with God.  The Apostle Paul tells us that “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed – in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.”  That will be the ultimate change!  It will not be painful but instead will be joyful and exciting!  A new life in a world made new – that is the change we seek for all of our students!