Battle of the Books

Today at the end of chapel we enjoyed the finals of the Battle of the Books.  Each year students form teams, read books, and with their sponsor prepare to answer questions about the books they read. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all the students, teachers, and parents who participated.  A special thank you to Michelle Coggin and Corinna Hess for running the preliminary and final contests.

Reading is the foundation to success in learning and is a life skill that everyone needs. We encourage all parents to take a few minutes every day to read to or with their children.  This activity shows your children that you attach importance to reading and encourages them to follow your example. 

The younger you start the better your child will do in school. We have been reading to my grandson since he was just a couple of months old.  He is now 15 months old and reading and looking at books is one of his favorite activities.  He will ask us to read his favorite books over and over again and it is great fun. “Knuffle Bunny” by Mo Willems is his favorite book and he even laughs at the nonsense words! 

If your child did not participate in this year’s Battle of the Books, I would recommend that you encourage them to join next year in all the reading fun!