Featured Teacher: Clark Woodworth, Kindergarten

Clark Woodworth joined the Tualatin Valley Academy team as our Kindergarten teacher in 2015. He earned his Elementary Education degree from Walla Walla University, and dove right into teaching some of the most curious, energetic learners out there - Kindergarteners!

Hearing students ask well thought-out questions is one of the highlights of Mr. Woodworth's job. He loves interacting with students, and the reason he became a teacher was to promote a love of learning in the kids he teaches, both in his classroom and on the basketball team he coaches. 

Mr. Woodworth has a knack for making students feel heard. He draws out even the most quiet of students, getting to know them for who they are and encouraging them as they get their start in an academic learning environment. 

We are very glad Mr. Woodworth joined our team!

Fun Facts About Mr. Woodworth:

Least favorite food: Zucchini
Biggest fear: Fish
Snack of choice: Orange juice
Qualities he most admires about others: Honesty and genuineness
What inspires me: Passionate people
Least favorite household chore: All of them
One thing I hope to achieve in my lifetime: Dunk a basketball
As a kid, I wanted to be this when I grew up: NBA player
In my free time, I like to: Read, work out, play piano, listen to music
Favorite place I've ever travelled: Laos
Sport I love: Basketball
This store has a lot of my money: Nike
If calories didn't count I would drink: Soda
Favorite color: Green