Full time in person instruction resumes January 19
Great news!!! We’re back to in person all-day classroom instruction on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education.
We have been working hard to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Details about our school blueprint and health and safety guidelines for in person instruction are available. We are also offering an E-Learning option for families who prefer to continue instruction online.
Details about in-person instruction:
BASE/Childcare: We will be offering BASE (Before and After School Experience).
Arrival and Dismissal: School start time is 8:15AM, with doors opening at 8:00AM. Entering the building will happen in a distanced manner. Dismissal times and locations will be staggered, starting from 2:50PM to 3:15PM.
School Supplies: Students will need to bring school supplies. Please see the lists here.
We have second semester openings available, so spread the word if you know of someone looking for high quality Christian education in a classroom setting. Prospective families should contact the school office at 503.849.5518.
Please keep TVA in your prayers as we plan and prepare for January 19, and know that we will be praying for each of you as well.