Lego Robotics After School Class


Is your child a budding engineer? Home and School is sponsoring a fun after school STEAM class with Adventist Robotics!

Adventist Robotics

First Lego League Jr is for students ages 6-10. The Mission Moon Challenge will give the students the opportunity to explore, create, test, and share what they have learned. Each group will be provided with a LEGO inspire set to create and develop their findings. Students will also be creating a "Show me" Tri-fold Poster board regarding their results. Students will be given journals to write and illustrate their results. They will be presenting at symposium during TVA's Open House. (March 14)

First Lego League is designed for students grades 4th-8th. The Into Orbit Challenge will focus on the core values Discovery, Innovation, Inclusion,Teamwork, and Fun.  This group will be applying science, technology, engineering, and math to solve real world problems. These students will be working and creating with the Lego Mindstorm Robot.

These programs are free for TVA students, paid for by funds raised at the annual Walk-a-thon. Space is limited. Please remember when signing up, you and your child are committing to this program. Each session the students are learning and building on a specific task. After the 12 week program each group will be presenting at symposium during open house. 

Coaches are volunteers and will be contacting you when your group will be starting this adventure. If you would like to volunteer to be a coach or to mentor one of the teams, please email

Learn more about this program by watching this video.

To sign up, please contact the school office.

Come learn with us!