SCRIP - Fundraising That Doesn't Cost a Dime!

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Did you know that just by shopping at your regular stores you can earn money for TVA?

Through the SCRIP program, if you purchase gift cards to your favorite stores TVA can earn a percentage back.

For example, if you spend $25 a week at Fred Meyer and you use a gift card purchased through Scrip, the cost to you would only be $25 a week, but TVA would earn $1 for that week. Multiply that by 52 weeks and the school earns $52 for the year just from one family. If we could get 100 families to buy their groceries using the Scrip gift cards that would be over $5,000 a year of additional funding for TVA!

SCRIP funds go towards facility upgrades. In the past money earned from the Scrip Program has been used to buy air conditioner units for classrooms and the cafeteria and an upgrade to the Staff Work room. 

We will be placing the first SCRIP order on Tuesday, September 18th at 10:00 a.m. Orders can be picked up on the Friday of the same week.  Remember all SCRIP orders must be turned into the office no later than the 3rd Tuesday of each month by 10:00 a.m. and prepaid.  

Click here for the order form.  Checks can be made payable to TVA. If you have any questions, contact the front office.

Thank you for supporting our students and our school!